Monday, May 27th 2024

HI DIGGON BLOG! I hope you didn’t forget about me!!!!!!

I have been grinding on a video ALL DAY TODAY.

I didn't even take a shower! I'm really stinky rn!

that should come out later this week, which is pretty exciting! 😱😱😱😱

But after this one, i can’t really say how many more video-essayey I have left in me tbh… most of my creative ideas I have nowadays are for my upcoming, unannounced webseries! So hopefully ppl will like those just as much/ more than the youtubery videos. But who knows!

I think it’ll be good for me to make more fiction, cus I need to be working on portfolio stuff for college— cus I think I’m gonna go back to college!!!! Won't that be fun? I hope all the little 18 y/o freshmen don’t make fun of me for being old and gray …. olfd ppl deserve to learn too! 👵

But anyways, my webseries is gonna go hard and be super funny and everyone will love it….. Soo yeah….. Im kindof a big deal in the future….. might as well get my autograph now while you still have the chance……. 😎